Your Privacy


Your privacy is vitally important to CF Buyers Club and we take looking after it very seriously. Below is all the information you might need on your data, where it lives, what we do with it, and how to remove yourself from our database.

What data do we have of yours?
If you registered your interest on our site, we have your name, email address and any other information you provided. We never amass your data for the sake of it, or share it with anyone for any reason.

Where do we store your data?
We use a combination of Google Suite and SendGrid to store your personal data. Their platforms allows us to send you emails and anonymously report on the number of interested purchasers. They are popular cloud hosting providers and all use industry-standard encryption to protect your data.

If you'd like to have all of your data removed from our hosts, please get in touch at and we'll remove your data as soon as possible.

If you have any other questions about your privacy, get in touch